Download intellij idea for apple silicon
Download intellij idea for apple silicon

download intellij idea for apple silicon download intellij idea for apple silicon

Run ant native -Ddynlink.native=true -Dbuild.os.arch=aarch64 to build native libs.Clone, and checkout the darwin_arm64 branch.You may have to do this on Intel-based Macs, and have the following packages installed: You can build the binaries above if you suspect the prebuilt binaries that I've built are such malformed or dangerous: JNA Libjnidispatch ( libjnidispatch.jnilib) from JNA.Launcher ( idea) from intellij-community.I've created the following prebuilt binaries because compiling these files require hard work: NOTE: Some functions, plugins, and native bindings wouldn't work with this way. This patch helps you to transform your Intel IntelliJ application to Apple Silicon native by replacing its Intel-only files with the files built for Apple Silicon. IntelliJ IDEA is written in Java so it is a cross-platform IDE - meaning that you can use it on any platforms that Java works.

Download intellij idea for apple silicon